Annual Report 2019
Our free, impartial, confidential and independent planning advice service provides help to people and community groups throughout the region. The service is part-funded by the Department for Infrastructure. People can get advice by email; by telephone; at our offices in Belfast and at outreach events held in community venues across the region. Over this past year we:
- provided planning advice, information and support to 149 people – helping them with planning issues ranging from objecting to proposals for septic tanks; pig farms; wind turbines; anaerobic digester plants; overdevelopment in residential areas and retail and commercial developments to guiding them through the complex and onerous planning appeals and enforcement procedures.
- helped 37 community groups object to regionally significant and high impact proposals (including a 93 acre solar farm in a rural residential area; a large scale gold mining extraction plant in the Sperrins; and large scale apartment developments in cities and towns throughout the region)
- helped community group representatives in Fermanagh concerned about how the integrity of their traditional dispersed rural communities would be preserved in the emerging council Local Development Plan; and helped community groups in inner south Belfast understand and input to the Draft Local Development Plan for the city.