Garvagh Forest Big Dish Out

PB theme or issue

What would make Garvagh Forest an even more fun and safe place for all including the animals, plants and trees. The Voting Day happened in June 2019 and a children’s team is meeting from September ’19 – April ’20 to creatively plan and deliver the winning projects with In Your Space Circus.

PB eligibility criteria

Safe, Legal, Viable.

Age to vote

8 years+

Number of votes


Example of winning ideas

  • Forest Pirate Ship
  • Forest Football
  • Kids Trim Trail
  • Play in the Dark Wood
  • Fun with Dogs
  • Forest Challenge

Top three tips from the organisers

  1. Use day-to-day objects to bring to life what PB is about. Those objects can then be present at all times triggering memory and understanding. For example Batman and Robin figures representing big and small ideas.
  2. Really important that the adults (teachers; volunteers; classroom assistants) understand what PB is about to effectively encourage and support the children.
  3. Need to ensure that play is at the heart of the whole process when working with young people.

Further information and evaluations

Project images

Project details

Name of PB Project:

Garvagh Forest Big Dish Out




Garvagh Forest

Local Council Area:

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council


Garvagh People's Forest, Carhill IPS, Gorran PS, Garvagh PS, St Patrick's & St Joseph's PS, St Columba's PS; Carhill IPS; St Patrick's & St Joseph's PS; Gorran PS

Amount awarded through the PB Project:
